The DIY culture is quickly gathering pace among the American population as homeowners turn to video tutorials to fix their homes. On average, each American household has over nine incomplete projects, with 55% of the owners attempting to complete them on their own. Sadly, only 31% of the DIY projects are successful, with some ending in total catastrophe. This is especially true for most electrical repairs, as most tutorials skip vital steps and safety precautions when shooting the video. Here are eight reasons why you should leave the electrical repairs to certified electrical contractors and not do-it-yourself.

1. Electricity Can Be Hazardous When Handled Incorrectly

Attempting to correct your residential electricity issues can be dangerous. You put your life and that of your family at risk if the project goes wrong. The National Safety Council estimates electrical faults cause over 400 fatalities each year through electrocutions and shocks. Professional electrical contractors have perfected their craft and know the proper safety protocols during the repair. Hiring a certified electrician may help keep you and your family safe.

2. DIY Repairs Take a Longer Time

Due to the nature of the risks involved, electrical faults usually demand immediate attention. It may take you longer to fix the problem safely and efficiently. A team of professional electricians will rely on their expertise to quickly point out the problem and fix it. Take a much shorter time to safeguard your home by working with an emergency electrical service.

3. DIY Repairs May Become More Expensive

Most homeowners are clueless about the right tools, components, and appliances required for the job. Without proper training and equipment, the DIY project may end up doing more harm than good. You may end up spending more money to repair the problem that you create. Avoid digging deeper into your pockets by hiring a professional electrical contractor to handle your power issues.

4. Improper Troubleshooting

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association suggests that about 60-80% of surges originate from internal sources. Most homeowners tend to patch up a symptom of a greater electricity issue. Without the relevant skills, it may be impossible to identify the underlying problems within your home. A professional electrician undergoes over 600 hours of in-class and on-the-job instructions on safety, electrical circuit, and blueprint reading.

5. Violation of Local Building Codes

Some states require permits for certain electrical works. The permits ensure that the building codes and safety procedures are followed when completing the project. Attempting such kinds of repairs may attract heft fines and penalties. Professional electrical contractors understand the industry and will obtain the necessary permits before starting on your project.

6. Insurance Concerns

Insurance companies may deny a claim if the damage stems from negligence. The provider may deem you negligent if you damage your home from a DIY attempt without proper licensure and permits. You may have to cover for your losses if your project goes wrong. Most certified electrical contractors have insurance covers that protect their technicians and your property if any accident occurs during the repair works.

While a DIY electrical project may sound fun and exciting, it may not be the best option for you. You may put your family and property in danger if you do not observe proper safety protocols. The best course of action would be to hire professional electrical contractors in Tampa Florida who have the requisite skills, tools, and components to complete repairs in your home safely.