Although energy use today is actually the same as it was in the year 2000 (thanks to energy efficiency measures), that doesn’t always mean that your home’s electric bills have stayed consistent over the past 20 years. And during the summertime, your energy bills might skyrocket when temperatures start to rise. Although you might not be able to live without air conditioning, there are probably a few things you can do to get the most out of your electrical system installation and save money at the same time. Here are just a few tips to try that could reduce your electric bill this summer.

Unplug Your Electronics

So-called “energy vampires” aren’t merely people you can take only in small doses. The electronics you use on a daily basis also count as energy vampires, as they drain your home’s energy supply without you realizing it. Even when these devices are switched off, they can still use up energy if they remain plugged in! Whenever you leave your house or go to bed for the evening, take the time to turn off and unplug your devices from their outlets. This can help you to save energy and money when these electronics and appliances aren’t in use.

Use Ceiling Fans

If your home has ceiling fans, it’s a good idea to use them to supplement your home cooling efforts. Although they don’t actually cool the air, they pull heat away from the body. Because fans use far less energy than AC units do, you can use them in tandem with your air conditioning system. This can allow you to feel comfortable at home without cranking up the AC all the time — allowing you to save both money and energy.

Use Efficient Bulbs

Still using traditional incandescent bulbs in your home? You’re probably wasting a lot of resources. The electrical contractors Tampa trusts will typically recommend that you switch to LED bulbs whenever possible. Not only will these bulbs give off less heat (allowing you to keep your home more comfortable with minimal effort), but they also last longer than conventional bulbs and give off better quality light. With fewer bulbs to buy and less energy consumed, LED bulbs are something many experts suggest you try even before exploring more in-depth energy conservation services.

Repair or Upgrade Cooling Systems

If it’s been a while since you had any HVAC work done, now might be the time to assess whether your air conditioning system needs any repairs or upgrades. You could talk to your HVAC company about possible energy conservation services they offer, including Energy Star appliances or regular maintenance and repairs. An air conditioning unit that’s over 20 years old simply won’t provide as much efficiency as a new unit will — and that will undoubtedly translate into higher bills and wasted energy.

Ask For an Energy Audit

You can also talk to your residential electrical services provider about what can be done to reduce energy waste. They may provide energy conservation services such as energy audits or repairs and upgrades specifically for older electric wiring and other systems. These energy conservation services can allow you to lower your electrical bills while reducing your environmental impact throughout the year.

When temperatures start to skyrocket, you’ll want to make sure that your electrical usage won’t follow suit. With these tips in mind, you can keep your bills low and your home comfortable all summer long.