If you’re planning new electrical installations in 2023, it is important to note that the National Electrical Code (NEC) was changed for this year. This code provides electricians with guidelines for proper installation and maintenance, which must be followed. Understanding each of these changes can ensure that you don’t make any mistakes when upgrading your electrical system.

Residential Changes

The 2023 NEC addressed ground-fault circuit interrupters for multiple appliances, emergency disconnects, and 10-amp branch circuits. This protection is important because it protects your home from various potential dangers. According to our sources, 82% of all surveyed professionals believe surge protection like this is critical for protecting various items in your home. It can also ensure that your power grid is safe.

Commercial and Industrial Changes

In 2023, commercial and electrical systems will have new requirements for replacement panelboards. An electrician must inspect these replacements before installation and pass rigorous quality testing. Other changes include arc-fault circuit interrupter protection and integrating LED lights into double-ended lamps. These changes can not only protect your facility but improve your efficiency and decrease your electrical bills as well.

Alternative Energy Changes

The NEC for alternative energy changed heavily, including connections between on-site power supplies and electrical utility options. The code was upgraded to include a broader range of potential sources and to improve language about acceptable connection options. It also improved the definition between storage batteries and emergency storage for new electrical installations. These changes help protect people and businesses as alternative energy sources become more popular.

Newly Covered Systems

The updated 2023 NEC also includes new equipment and systems that were never covered. These include Class 4 fault-managed circuits, cannabis production facility equipment, splash pad protection, and more. These new updates are designed to protect against failure risks in new and emerging areas, particularly with the increasing legality of cannabis across the nation. These newer and more powerful electrical systems were not fully covered by past NEC guidelines.

When considering new electrical installations for your home or business, working with a professional who understands these code changes is critical. Reach out to an electrical professional near you with years of experience in repairs and renovations. They can help you better understand your options and ensure that you and your facility are safe from potential electrical dangers.